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Position title: Video Workshop Facilitator 

Duration: Contract assignments 

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba and surrounding communities

Languages required: French

Pay rate: $30/hour

Apply by: March 1, 2025

Apply to:

The candidate will assist youth in schools, daycare centers and drop-in programs in the province to create animated or live action films. These workshops will take place in person.


  • The facilitator will travel to the site of the workshop. The facilitator will be responsible for transportation, as well as the use and maintenance of equipment at the workshop. Equipment is provided by Freeze Frame.

  • The facilitator will use age-appropriate instruction methods to teach about
    cinematography, animation, editing or other filmmaking techniques.

  • During workshops, the facilitator will guide the students through all the stages of the creative process (script, filming and editing) which contribute to the creation of a film. The facilitator will help participants to overcome technical difficulties but will not make the film for the participants.

  • The facilitator will ensure that all participants are actively involved in the project and have the opportunity to express themselves freely during the creation of the videos.

  • The facilitator will work in collaboration with the educational team responsible for the participants.

The selected candidate will:

  • possess basic knowledge of the audiovisual field, including using a DSLR camera, using video editing software, etc. It is important to note that Freeze Frame also offers technical training to selected candidates.

  • possess a good knowledge of cinema and have an interest in children's films and animated cinema. The candidate should have an interest in the arts in general.

  • have a basic knowledge of teaching methods and practice

  • be sensitive to social issues and seek to create the conditions for inclusivity during their workshops.

  • apply for a Child Abuse Registry Check  and for a Winnipeg Police Criminal Record Check. 

  • speak French fluently

Required experience:

Any experience in film production, visual arts, teaching or working with children or youth will be taken into account. Additionally, the candidate must be dynamic and resourceful and demonstrate a real desire to learn and integrate into a small team.

About Freeze Frame:

Freeze Frame is Manitoba’s Media Arts Centre for Young People. The centre is a non-profit organization that has been providing unique opportunities for young people to explore the art of film production and multimedia for 29 years. We present the International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages each spring and offer year-round workshops in a multicultural and bilingual environment.